● 2019
February Entrusted by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts to execute the “Researching and Writing Project of the Descriptive Data and the Historiographical Research of Chun-Sheng Lee and the Fifth Moon and East Group”
● 2018
18-19 December The Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT), Tainan National University of the Arts and the Public Television have co-held the “Modernology of Image: Workshop on the Art Documentary Film”. The producer Yun-Kang, Hsu, the photographical director Kun-Jiao, Jo, and the director Shu-Cheng, Chang were invited to give seminars of art documentary film making. There were also 5 Tainan artists invited to be interviewed by students, who were prepared to learn the shot, the montage, the making, and the packaging of art documentary film.
9 December The Director Po-Shin, Chiang, the Spring Foundation, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei have co-held the “Contemporary Night of the Spring”. The chief curator of Gwangju Biennial 2018, and the professor of Hungik University, South Korea, Chung Yeon Shim has given the lecture talk “The 1970-1980 Korean Art: Interaction and Conflicts”. Professor Moon-Chung Hee, Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts was invited to respond, and the participants include the artist Tao-Hao, Kim, and Shu-Chau Wang Ho, the chairperson of the Spring Foundation.
1 December Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) has hold the talk of “The Lecture Hall of the Sulfur Creek: On the Construction of Archive of Modern Art” at the Think Salon, Changhua County Museum. The speakers of the talk include the scholar of Taiwanese Art History Li-Fa, Hsieh, and the professor of Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University, Szu-Hsien, Lee, and the talk was hosted by the assistant researcher of the Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) Woan-Jen, Hsu. The relationship between the artist Chung-Sheng, Lee and Changhua, the development of art of Changhua, and the construction of archives were contemplated and discussed.
23-25 November Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT), Tainan National University of the Arts, Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University have co-hold the “Souths of Asia: Aesthetics, Theory, Archive” International Conference, which was comprised of the 22 scholars and experts from 8 countries. The possibility of expansion the future of “Southern Aesthetics” were profoundly probed.
13 November invited the senior researcher of Asia Art Archive Anthony Yung to give lecture talk “How to do with Archive? Arrangement, Research, and Consciousness”, which is hosted by the Director Po-Shin, Chiang. The ideas concerning the application of art archives were broadly exchanged among the participated teachers and students.
6 November invited the assistant research fellow of the Institute of History and Philology Shu-Jiun Chen to give lecture talk “The Index, System and Application of Art Archives” at the Tainan National University of the Arts.
November National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts published The Renaissance of Cultural Memory: Collected Papers of the Symposium on Reconstructing Art Histories in Contemporary Taiwan, which is co-edited by the Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT), Tainan National University of the Arts and the Ministry of Culture.
October Entrusted by Cultural Affairs Bureau, Changhua County to execute the “Assessment Research of the Strategy of Collection of Changhua County Art Museum”.
September Taipei Museum of Fine Arts published the collected papers Archival Turn: East Asian Contemporary Art and Taiwan (1960-1989), which is co-edited by the Director Po-Shin Chiang and the Spring Foundation.
September Entrusted by the National Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts to execute the “South Plus: The Project of the Construction of Local Color and Multiple Historical View of the Big South-The Artwork Replica Project”.
18 August Director Po-Shin, Chiang was invited by Taipei Museum of Fine Arts to host the “Why Does Art Matter?” Symposium. The Discussants include the Director of the Public Television Li-An, Shieh, the director of the Public Television program Art Matters Yun-Kung, Hsu, Artists Chun-Hong, Kao, Hsu-Tzu, Ho, Wei-Li, Ye, as well as the Director of the Graduate Institute of Animation and Film Arts, Tainan national University of the Arts, Sung-Rung, Sun. The Contexts of the Taiwanese art documentary program were widely discussed.
August Entrusted by National Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts to execute the “South Plus: The Key Collection Project-key Collection Research”.
July Entrusted by the Ministry of Culture to execute the “Research Project of National Art Archives and Resource System-Visual Art”.
July Entrusted by National Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts to execute the “South Plus: The Project of the Construction of Local Color and Multiple Historical View of the Big South-The Curatorial Research”
11 June Invited the guest professor of the Department of Architecture Conservation Chian-Lang Lee to give lecture talk “The Contribution Te-Ching Shih bring to Taiwanese Architecture”.
February Entrusted by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts to execute the “Researching and Writing Project of the Descriptive Data of the Collection of Te-Ching Shih”.
11-13 January Director Po-Shin Chiang is invited to present the paper “The Boundary Crossing of the Non-Design: On the Avant-Garde Experiment of Designer and Designing and its Peripheral Groups”in the “The Origin of Story: Artists, Writers, and Journals in Asia” international conference, which was co-held by the Asia Art Archives (AAA) and the Department of Fine Arts, The University of Hong Kong.
● 2017
25 November Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has been invited by the “Academic Conference on the Archive/Bibliography, Representation, and Exposition”, Institute of Art Studies, National Cheng-Kung University to give paper presentation on the “Toward the Future of Archives: The History and the Movement that Return back to the East Asian Contemporary Art”, and made general introduction of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) and the status quo of the construction of Taiwanese art archives.
18-19 November “The Renaissance of Cultural Memory: Academic Conference on Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History” was entrusted by the Ministry of Culture, held by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, as well as planned and executed by Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) in two days. There were 12 papers, 3 forums being held in the conference. The Director of Ministry of Culture, Li-Chun, Chen has hosted the opening ceremony and called for the content of policy of the “Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History Project”.
15 November The special edition on the “Outside of Avant-Garde: The Historical Measurement, Mapping, and the Figural Migration of the Northeast Asian Art”, Art Critique of Taiwan, No. 72, was released. The transcription of the “Academic Conference on Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History” was included in the special edition.
8 November The International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art was held in Singapore. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to participate and give brief presentation on the Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) and the status quo of the Taiwanese art archive. There were over 280 international directors and curators participated in the Committee.
1 November The edition on the “Archival Turn: On the Contemporaneity of East Asian Art History”, Modern Art, No., 34 (which is edited by professor Po-Shin, Chiang), was released.
23 October Mrs. Wei-Mei, Kuo, the daughter of Taiwanese artist Po-Chuang, Kuo has visited Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) and the Room of Paper Capacitor and Oil Painting, Graduate Institute of Cultural Relics and Museology, Tainan National University of the Arts, and exchanged ideas with Pei-Wen, Tsai, In-Jiun, Wu, and Po-Shin, Chiang, with the sketch works and archives Po-Chang, Kuo made during his period of study at the Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1920s.
8 October Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has been invited by the “International Academic Conference on the Cultivation of Japanese Contemporary Western Painting” of the Museum of National Taipei University of Education to give presentation on the “The Proletarian and the Avant-Garde: On the Leftist View between Contemporary Japan and Colonized Taiwan”, and manifested the research findings of the unearthed archives of Taiwanese artists Chih-Chi, Chen, and Cheng-Po, Chen.
6 October Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, and the Spring Foundation have co-held the “Forum on the History of Asian Curation”. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to host the panel of Seng Yu Jin, the senior curator of National Singapore Galley, who has presented the “Thinking About Exhibitions and Its Methods: Between Exhibition Histories and the Curatorial”, in relation with the problematics of how to reconstruct the critical history of exhibition by the southeast Asian art archives.
23 August Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) has organized the Pre-Conference Meeting of the “Academic Conference on Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History”, which was held in the College of Letters and Cultural Heritage, Tainan National University of the Arts.
18 August Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) has organized the Pre-Conference Meeting of the “Academic Conference on Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History”, which was held in the Nan-Hai Workshop, Ministry of Culture, Taipei City.
22 July Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has invited by the “Taiwanese Art Classical Lecture and New Star Forum”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts to give lecture talk on the “Remapping East Asia: Twenty-Years Survey of Taiwanese Art Historical Research (1997-2017)”, and make a presentation on the brief planning of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT).
8 June Tainan National University of the Arts have decided to found the Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT).
31 May Chung Yeon Shin, professor of fine arts of Hungik University, and the curator of the division of archive, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), South Korea have made academic exchange with professor Po-Shin, Chiang, in relation with the trans-national research project on modern and contemporary art.
14 May The curator of National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Suzuki Katsuo and Masuda Tomohiro, as well as trans-national curatorial group, which is formed by the senior curator of National Singapore Gallery, Adele TAN and Silke Schmickl have visited the Tainan National University of the Arts, and exchanged ideas with professor Sung-Rung, Sun and Po-Shin, Chiang.
11 April The senior researcher of Asia Art Archive, Anthony Yung has visited the Tainan National University of the Arts, and exchanged ideas with the Dean of College of Letters and Cultural Heritage, Wan-Chen, Liu, and the Director of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT), Po-Shin, Chiang.
10 April The professor emeritus of art history of the University of Sydney, John Clark has visited the Tainan National University of the Arts, and exchanged ideas with the Dean of College of Letters and Cultural Heritage, Wan-Chen, Liu, and the Director of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT), Po-Shin, Chiang.
8-9 April Taipei Museum of Fine Arts and the Spring Foundation have co-held the “International Conference on the Archival Turn: East Asian Contemporary Art and Taiwan (1960-1989)”, which was organized by the director of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) Po-Shin, Chiang. Including John Clark, Julia F. Andrews, Patrick D. Flores, Kim Sunjung, Yuk Hui, and Raiji Kuroda, the important scholars and curators from Australia, Germany, United States, France, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippine, South Korea, and Taiwan were invited to give paper presentations. There were 15 paper and 8 international case studies on archival construction in the conference.
March The advisory meeting of the “Reconstructing Taiwanese Art History Project” was held by the Ministry of Culture. The Director of Art Archive Center in Taiwan (AACT) Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to call for the construction of the art archive center in national level, the build of the platform of the international academic exchange and cooperation, as well as the construction of the research center of Taiwanese art history in the universities across the land.
● 2016
October Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was entrusted by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts to organize the works and archives of Taiwanese artist Shih-He, Chuang (1923- ).
August Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was entrusted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City to organize the works and archives of Taiwanese artist Po-Chuang, Kuo (1901-1974).
10 August Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has been invited to participate in the 20th Meeting of the Advisors of Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, and called for the speed-up construction of the bibliographical center of Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, and the simultaneous collection and research of the archives of Taiwanese contemporary senior artists.
● 2015
November The Asia Cultural Center, Gwangju, South Korea, was opened. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to give presentation on the “Avant-garde and Experiment Art Archive in Taiwan: A Glance to Spring Gallery Archive (1978-1987)” at Department of Archive & Research, The Asia Cultural Center.
November “International Conference on Taiwanese Contemporary Art History”was held in Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei City. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has invited the curators of OCAT Research Center, Mainland China, M+ Museum, Hong Kong, and Asia Art Archive to participate in the form of “the Contemporary Conservation, Research, and the Reproduction of Art Bibliography” , whose data was published on the special edition on the “The Eclipse of the Contemporary: The Historical Retreat of Post-War East Asian Art in Taiwan” (Artco Monthly, No. 279).
● 2014
September-October The serial lectures on the “Traces of Imagination of Media: Seeing the Taiwanese Contemporary Art History” was held by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. These serial lectures was planned and organized by professor Po-Shin, Chiang, and the lecturers were Ming-Te, Lu, Chun, Chieh, Wang, Goang-Ming, Yuan, etc. The aesthetic issues of archival curation raised by the image archive exhibition “Rewind: Video Art in Taiwan 1983-1999, which was curated by Professor Sung-Rung, Sun of Tainan National University of the Arts, were deeply questioned. The records of the forum were included in the bilingually-published The Spring of Contemporary Art.
13 September The “International Conference on Taiwanese Modern and Contemporary Art” was held by Tokyo University of the Arts. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to presented the paper on “The Proletarian Art and The Avant-Garde of Contemporary Taiwan: The-Taiwanese-Students-in-Japan-Centered Approach”, and showed the research findings of the leftist art archive between Taiwan and Japan.
March The Department of Art History, Tainan National University of the Arts has given the seminar on the “Art Archive and Practices of Field Works”, which was led by professor Po-Shin, Chiang.
● 2013
21-23 October The international conference on the “Symposium: Exhibitions and Making of Contemporary Asian Art History” was held by the Asia Art Archive. The possibility of the study of the history of exhibition and contemporary art by applying art archives was deeply probed in the conference. Professor Po-Shin, Chiang was invited to participate in the conference, and exchanged ideas with the other participated scholars.
January Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has been invited to be interviewed and paper presented the “Archive as Method: On the Trend of Curation and Research of Taiwanese Art History”, and called for the active response of the plan and the organization of art museum to the trend of contemporary curation which focused on the view of archive as method.
● 2012
Taipei Museum of Fine Arts has published the academic monograph on the “Forum on the Bibliographical Conservation and Reuse of Museum”. The articles written by the Division of Archive, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, United States, the Director of the National Art Center, Tokyo, Hayashida Hideki, the researcher of the Arko Archive, South Korea, Yusin Jeon, the curator of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Horikawa Lisa, Professor Chih-Ming, Lin, and Po-Shin, Chiang were include in the monograph. The issues concerning the conservation and the contemporary application of the art bibliography were widely discussed in these articles (the forum was held in 2011, in which the Taiwanese artist Jui-Chung, Yao was invited to participate)
● 2011
November Professor Po-Shin, Chiang has published the “Ministry of Culture Should Build the Visual Art Archive Center” in the personal column of Artist magazine, and called for the construction of Taiwanese art archive center after the transformation of Council for Cultural Affairs (into the Ministry of Culture), in order to deepen the Taiwanese art historical research.